Breeding Season Survey Pre-Assessment
The pre-assessment is a way for us to understand what our volunteers know before our training sessions. It will help guide our training, and will allow us to measure how much volunteers learn over the course of the season by providing a baseline. Please do not “cheat” or use any references as you take this assessment - we just want to know what you know!
Volunteers are divided into two training groups: Beginners and Advanced. Feel free to use your best judgement to put yourself in the training group of your choice after learning about the two groups in the initial training session, but let us know if you have any questions. We have two separate pre-assessments for each training group:
Beginner Pre-Assessment
Advanced Pre-Assessment
Here are the song/call tracks for the Auditory part of the Beginner Assessment:
Bryant recorded himself going through the pre-assessment at the live training. Click here to watch it. This is not required to take the assessment, but may be helpful!
Here are the song/call tracks for the Auditory part of the Advanced Assessment: