Let’s take a walk.
Join our Non-breeding Bird Surveys and learn more about the birds of the Salt Lake Valley.
We are currently leading weekly non-breeding survey bird walks at a selection of our monitoring sites in the Salt Lake Valley. We offer bird walks on Wednesdays and Fridays year-round, and have additional opportunities on Thursday and Saturday mornings throughout the fall and winter. These bird walks are open to the public, and are a great way to get started in the world of birding. No experience is required, but you’ll need to RSVP through the link below!
Here is a map of our current bird monitoring sites. When you sign up for a survey, we will send you an email the day before with directions on where to meet us, and instructions on what to bring.
All Levels Welcome
No need to be an expert birder. Our leads teach you how to spot and identify wild birds in and around SLC.
No Binoculars?
No problem! We have spare binoculars to share, sized for both adults and children. Bring along the crew!
Why bird with us?
Do you like being outside? Love wildlife? Learn how we can all help birds by paying attention to where they are.
Project Partners
Our project partners include the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City Public Lands, Salt Lake City Public Utilities, Seven Canyons Trust, the Jordan River Commission, River Restoration, and Salt Lake County.