Week 1: Beginner
Scroll down and study these four birds by sight and sound. Then, take the quiz.
Mourning Dove, Eurasian-Collared Dove, American Goldfinch, Lesser Goldfinch
Eurasian-collared Dove
Bird Code: EUCD
Identify this bird by…
Large bird with square tail
The black “collar” around the back of its neck
Tell it apart by…
Larger and heavier than the Mourning Dove
Lacks spotting on side of body, instead this bird is overall a paler overall grey
Squared tail (rather than pointed/tapered)
Listen for…
A rhythmic, repeated, three-syllable hooting: “coo-COO-coo!” With three syllables (instead of five) and an emphasized middle note, the song is rhythmically different from the mourning dove. Also: a very harsh and nasal sound during flights.
Mourning Dove
Bird Code: MODO
Identify this bird by…
Plump body, small head and bill, long-tail
Wings make an airy whinny, or whistle as they take off
Tell it apart by…
Darker and smaller than Eurasian-collared Dove
Tail is long and pointed (or tapered) in flight
Black spots on lower wings and rump
Dark smudge or dot on cheek
Listen for…
A mournful and slow hooting, five-syllable hooting: “oo-AAHH-hoo-hoo-hoo.” Listen also to the light, airy whistle of the wings when they fly.
Bird Code: AGOL
Identify this bird by…
Short, cone-like bill and short, notched tail
Yellow body, black (or grey) cap on forehead
Tell it apart by…
Larger size compared to Lesser Goldfinch
White undertail
Listen for…
Call: 4-5 sweet notes is sometimes thought of as “potato chip” or “per-chick-o-ree.”
Song: long series of twitters and warbles. Listen closely for the “per-chick-o-ree”
Bird Code: LEGO
Identify this bird by…
Short, cone-like bill and short, notched tail
Yellow-green body, black (or grey) hat on head
Tell it apart by…
Black or grey cap covers entire head, not only forehead
Black or greenish back, yellow undertail
Listen for…
Call: Males give a wheezy and descending “tee-yer” call to females during courtship. They also give a couple of chit notes in flight.
Song: A jumble of clear notes mixed in with wheezes, trills, and stutters, lasting up to 10 seconds. Lacks the “potato chip” note.