Week 3: Advanced

Scroll down to study the birds by sight and sound, and then take the quiz.


Week 3 Birds

American Crow, Common Raven, Brown-headed Cowbird, Great-tailed Grackle, Black-billed Magpie, Northern Harrier



Bird Code: CORA

Identify this bird by…

  • Large black bird with large bill and shaggy throat

  • Long, narrow wings and wedge-shaped tail

Tell it apart by…

  • Look for a wedge-shaped tail to distinguish it from an American Crows shorter and squared tail

  • Bill is thicker than the American Crow

Listen for…

Call: Often a deep baritone croak, but they have a variety of calls, from croaks to harsh grating sounds to high bell-like and twanging notes. The classic croak is much deeper than the caw of the American Crow.



Bird Code: AMCR

Identify this bird by…

  • Large all black bird

  • Flies with steady rowing wing beats

Tell it apart by…

  • Has a fairly short squared tail, rather than the wedge-shaped tail of the Common Raven

  • Has a smaller bill than the Common Raven

Listen for…

Call: a full-voiced caw, and also a hollow rattle



Bird Code: BHCO

Identify this bird by…

  • Thick, conical bill (different from RWBL)

  • Males - brown heads and black bodies

Tell males and females apart by…

  • Immature males have black splotches

  • Females have dark eyes, light bodies that are lightest on the head. They have fine streaking on the belly.

Listen for…

Song: A low, gurgle followed by a thin whistle. The song almost sounds like a water-droplet.

Call: A flat, hard rattle.



Bird Code: GTGR

Identify this bird by…

  • Long, slender body and legs, flat-headed profile

  • Distinctive “V” shape of their long tail (nearly as long as the length of their body)

Tell males and females apart by…

  • Males - Iridescent black with yellow eyes

  • Females - Overall brown with a light throat, have a stripe above the eye

  • Females are about half the size of males

Listen for…

The rapid-fire “ki-ki-ki-ki” territorial song. They have an array of other sounds, including those that sound like machinery, and the sound of a rusty gate hinge.




Bird Code: BBMA

Identify this bird by…

  • Large, long body with long tail and slightly hooked bill

  • Appears black and white; in the right lighting, the feathers have a blue-green iridescence

  • Males and females look alike

Tell it apart from Ravens and Crows by …

  • White markings on the wings and belly

  • Long tail

Look for …

  • In flight - Wing bars on back and white primaries and diamond-shaped tail (these are very distinct field marks)

  • Behavior - Often forages on the ground; perches on posts and small trees

Listen for…

Call: A nasal, call note that almost sounds like “Mag? Mag? Mag?”



Bird Code: NOHA

Identify this bird by…

  • A slender long-winged and long-tailed hawk, often seen flying in a slow and teetering manner over grasslands and marshes.

  • Note the characteristic white rump patch and owl-like face

  • Adult males are pale gray with white underwings contrasting with black wingtips.

  • Females and juveniles are brown with banded flight and tail feathers. Adult females are pale with streaky brown below.


Listen for…

Call: A fast series of kek notes are given by both males and females during courtship displays, also a high sseew, given mainly be female and young.




Bird Code: RTHA

Identify this bird by

  • Can be tricky!

  • Large hawks with very broad, rounded wings and a short, wide tail

Tell apart from other hawks by…


  • Rich brown above and pale below, with a streaked belly

  • On the wing underside, a dark bar between shoulder and wrist

  • The tail is usually pale below and cinnamon-red above, though in young birds it’s brown and banded


  • Similar to light but…

  • Are all chocolate-brown with a warm red tail

Variation and regional differences…

  • Extremely variable plumage - some is regional

  • In western North America, we most often see light-morphs but dark-morphs can occur anywhere

  • Eastern birds tend to be less streaky on underparts than western birds

Look for…

  • Behavior - See them soaring in wide circles high over a field. When flapping, their wing beats are heavy

Listen for…

Calls: A screaming kee-eeeee-arr. It lasts 2-3 seconds and is usually given while soaring. During courtship, they also make a shrill chwirk




Bird Code: SWHA

Identify this bird by…

  • A slender buteo hawk with long, pointed wings.

  • In flight, note the characteristic dark flight feathers and brown upper chest

  • When perched, note the brown head and breast, often with a lighter chin.   

Listen for…

Call: a scream similar to a Red-tailed Hawk, but higher and weaker



Bird Code: ROPI

Identify this bird by…

  • Plump bird with short legs and small head. Comes in several plumage variations, but most common is gray with a darker gray bill and black bars on the wings.

  • Almost falcon-like silhouette in flight, with long wings and pointed wingtips.

Tell it apart by…

  • Larger than Mourning Doves or Rock Pigeons, with a shorter tail than either

Listen for…

Call: coos

Song: low, muffled bru-u-ooo

Other: Wings produce a soft whistle on takeoff




Study these birds if you are interested in surveying at Legacy Nature Preserve, the Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve, and Utah Lake North Shore.


Bird Code: BRBL

Identify this bird by…

  • Medium-sized blackbird with a thin bill and square tail

  • Adult males are glossy black with iridescent sheens of purple on the head and green on body with bright light yellow eyes

  • Females are drab dark gray-brown with a dark eye

Tell it apart by…

  • More slender than Red-winged Blackbird with a longer and thinner bill (and lacking the red epaulets)

Listen for…

Call: chuk calls, similar to other blackbirds

Song: a shrill, rising squee with a buzzy or metallic end.



Bird Code: BOBO

Identify this bird by…

  • Sparrow-like bird with a large head, short neck, short tail, and pointed wings

  • Breeding males have a black underside and white on the upperparts (very unique!)

  • Females and non-breeding names are warm brown with streaking. They have a pale unstreaked nape and pale lores

Listen for…

Call: low, soft chuk with a musical bink as their flight call

Song: bubbling, jangling, rambling, metallic song with warbles, short notes, buzzy low pitches, sharp high notes




Bird Code: LASP

Identify this bird by…

  • Large pale sparrow with thick bill.

  • Striking bold harlequin face pattern of rufous, black and white

  • Pale underparts with dark spot on the breast

  • Towhee-like white tail corners

Listen for…

Call: sharp, metallic tink call

Song: a melodius jumble of trills, repeated clear notes, buzzes, churrs – like a little wind-up toy



Bird Code: BRSP

Identify this bird by…

  • Dainty, slim sparrow with long tail and short, rounded wings.

  • Plain and drab gray-brown with a thin white complete eye-ring, indistinct face pattern, pale lores, and streaked nape.

Tell it apart by…

  • Non-breeding Chipping Sparrows can look similar, but CHSP have stronger wingbars and bolder face pattern with a darker eyeline that goes all the way through the eye

Listen for…

Call: soft, typical sparrow “seep” call

Song: very long and varied series of descending trills and buzzes. It sounds like a Chipping Sparrow trying to sing like a Canary




Bird Code: SAVS

Identify this bird by…

  • Medium-sized sparrow, often in open areas on the ground or perched on top of weeds, short shrubs, or fences.

  • Fairly small bill, finely-streaked breast, strong face pattern, light yellow stripe over the eye (may not be easy to see in all birds)

Tell it apart by…

  • Smaller-billed and shorter-tailed than a Song Sparrow, and tail is notched rather than rounded

Listen for…

Call: high, sharp “stip”

Song: three-part song that opens with a few quick notes, has a high insect-like buzzy sustained note in the middle, and ends with a quick trill



Bird Code: OSPR

Identify this bird by…

  • A unique large raptor with long, narrow, crooked wings

  • In flight from the underside: has a white body and coverts with dark wrists and secondaries

  • While perched, look for brown back and wings contrasting with white underparts, dark eyestripe through a white head, and hooked black beak

Listen for…

Call: short shrill whistles or a long, shrill, slurred whistle
