Week 4: Advanced

Scroll down to study the birds by sight and sound, and then take the quiz.


Week 4 Birds

American Coot, Mallard, Canada Goose, Black-capped Chickadee, California Quail, Belted Kingfisher, Ring-billed Gull, California Gull

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Bird Code: MALL

Identify this bird by

  • Large ducks with hefty bodies, rounded heads, and wide, flat bills

  • Like many “dabbling ducks” the body is long and the tail rides high out of the water, giving a blunt shape

  • Both sexes have a white-bordered, blue “speculum” patch in the wing

Tell males and females apart by…

  • Males: Have a dark, iridescent-green head and bright yellow bill. The gray body is sandwiched between a brown breast and black rear

  • Females & Juveniles: Mottled brown with orange-and-brown bills. Both sexes have a white-bordered, blue “speculum” patch in the wing

Look for…

  • Behavior - Mallards are “dabbling ducks”—they feed in the water by tipping forward and grazing on underwater plants

Listen for…

Call: The female Mallard gives the quintessential duck quack: often as a series of 2-10 quacks that begin loudly and get softer. The male mallard gives a quieter, rasping one-or two-noted call.



Bird Code: AMCO

Identify this bird by…

  • A strange member of the Rail family that acts like a duck: a plump bird with a relatively thick neck, rounded head, and sloping bill

  • Adults are dark gray/black with a white bill. Juveniles are dull gray-brown.

  • They often bob their head while swimming.

Listen for…

Call: a variety of grunting and croaking noises. They commonly give a short single note “krrp” or “prik” call



Bird Code: CANG

Identify this bird by

  • Big waterbirds with a long neck, large body, wide flat bill

  • Large webbed feet

Tell it apart by…

  • Black head with white cheeks and chinstrap

  • Black neck, tan breast, and brown back

  • In flight, you can see a prominent white “U” on the upper part of their tail

Look for…

  • Behavior - feed by dabbling in the water or grazing in fields and large lawns. They are often seen in flight moving in pairs or flocks; flocks often assume a V formation

Listen for…

Call: Various loud honks, barks, and cackles. Also some hisses



Bird Code: BCCH

Identify this bird by…

  • Small, black bill; round body

  • Full black cap on head; black on chin; white in between

  • Very active and acrobatic! They hang upside down, even

  • Males and females look the same

Tell it apart by…

  • Lack of “angry” eyebrow of the Mountain Chickadee

  • Sweeter, crisper song and more defined alarm call

Listen for…

Call: Chickadees say their name in a call, “Chick-a-dee-dee-deeeee.” It is believed this is an alarm call to warn of predators. Once you hear one chickadee make this call, you are bound to hear others!

Song:  A high-pitched, sweet series of one to two notes that either sound like “hot dog” or “ham-burg-er.”



Bird Code: CAQU

Identify this bird by…

  • Plump, short-legged game bird

  • Scaled black and white belly

  • Comma-shaped crest (feather on the head)

Tell males and females apart by…

  • Head markings - Males have noticeable black and white markings on the head, while females do not

  • Neck - Females are brownish-gray on the neck/chest, while males have a light grey coloration in the same place

Listen for…

Call: Three syllables that sounds like Chi-ca-go. It’s usually given when an individual is separated from its group or mate, as well as while a covey is on the move or preparing to move.

Alarm Call: A repeated pit-pit when danger is near



Bird Code: BEKI

Identify this bird by…

  • Large, stocky bird with big head and big beak

  • That rock-star mohawk of a crest!

  • Grayish back, light belly (varies on sex)

Tell males and females apart by…

  • Females - Chestnut brown belly band and on the flanks

  • Males - White belly and flacks

Look for…

  • Habitat - Belted Kingfisher are a riparian species, meaning they are found adjacent to or near water. They are most commonly found along streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, estuaries, and calm marine waters.

Listen for…

Call: A long, uneven, clattering rattle.




Bird Code: RBGU

Identify this bird by…

  • A medium-sized white-headed gull with a shorter bill.

  • Breeding adults have a broad black ring on bill and a pale gray back

Tell it apart by…

  • Very similar to a California Gull, but breeding adults can be distinguished by the bill (California have a red dot as well as a black stripe), and the color of their back (the gray of the Ring-billed Gull is lighter than the darker California)

  • Ring-billed Gulls are smaller than California Gulls, but size can be deceiving.

  • Ring-billed and California Gulls have different calls; Ring-billed calls are higher than California.

Listen for…

Call: Varied. High and hoarse with a scratchy quality.



Bird Code: CAGU

Identify this bird by…

  • Medium-sized gull with a round head

  • Breeding adult California Gulls are white-headed gulls with a medium gray back, yellow legs, and a dark eye

  • Non-breeding adults have brown streaking on the head

  • In their first year, they are mottled brown and white and often have a paler face. The bill is pink with a black tip and the legs are pinkish

Tell it apart by…

  • The bill is slender compared to other gull species

  • In flight the wings are long and pointed

  • Adults have a yellow bill with small black ring and a red spot on the lower mandible

Look for…

  • Behavior -Strong, nimble fliers and opportunistic foragers; they forage on foot, from the air, and from the water

Listen for…

Call: Give a scratchy, hoarse series of aow notes


Feeling ready? Take the quiz!


Study these birds if you are interested in surveying at Legacy Nature Preserve, the Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve, and Utah Lake North Shore.


Bird Code: FOTE

Identify this bird by…

  • Medium-sized tern with pointed wing and a long, forked tail

  • Flies with shallow wingbeats over marshes and ponds.

Tell it apart by…

  • Size: Forster’s Terns are much smaller than the Caspian Tern, the other tern found in our study areas,

  • Differentiate from Caspian Tern by the bill: Forster’s Terns have slender, dark bills for Juv/nonbreeding and an orange bill with a black tip for Adults. Caspian Terns have a thicker orange bill (juv and nonadults) and dark red bill for Adults

Listen for…

Call: a harsh, descending “kyarrr”



Bird Code: CATE

Identify this bird by…

  • A very large tern (the largest in the world!) with a large red bill and shallow fork in the tail

  • Breeding adults have dark outer primary feathers and a full black cap

  • Fly with heavy wing-beats in a gull-like manner

Tell it apart by…

  • Larger than a Forster’s Tern with a shorter, more shallowly forked tail and a larger red bill

Listen for…

Call: a harsh, heron-like rolling scream





Bird Code: FRGU

Identify this bird by…

  • A small gull with a short neck and a slim, rather short bill

  • Like other gulls the wings are long and the tail is short

  • A white crescent separates the black wingtip from the gray upperwing

Tell it apart by…

  • Breeding adults have a black head with white crescents above and below the eye

  • The upperparts are dark gray; the legs and bill are reddish

  • In non-breeding adults the head has a gray half-hood and the bill and legs are dark

  • Juveniles are similar to non-breeding adults but browner above, with black tail band and without the wingtip pattern

Look for…

  • Behavior - Often seen foraging in large flocks

Listen for…

Call: A nasal, upward rising kaaw



Bird Code: BNST

Identify this bird by…

  • A tall and slender shorebird with a long black bill.

  • Distinctive plumage with black above, white below, and long pink/red legs

Listen for…

Call: sharp and high-pitched repeated alarm calls, “keek-keek-keek” lower and louder than the American Avocet
