Week 5: Beginner

Scroll down to study the birds by sight and sound, and then take the quiz.


Week 5 Birds

Great Blue Heron, Rock Pigeon, Song Sparrow, Spotted Towhee



Bird Code: GBHE

Identify this bird by…

  • Large, sturdy, and tall heron with a long neck

  • Gray-blue with an orange bill an dark crown

Listen for…

Call: often quiet, but can make a deep, hoarse “braak” in flight



Bird Code: ROPI

Identify this bird by…

  • Plump bird with short legs and small head. Comes in several plumage variations, but most common is gray with a darker gray bill and black bars on the wings.

  • Almost falcon-like silhouette in flight, with long wings and pointed wingtips.

Tell it apart by…

  • Larger than Mourning Doves or Rock Pigeons, with a shorter tail than either

Listen for…

Call: coos

Song: low, muffled bru-u-ooo

Other: Wings produce a soft whistle on takeoff




Bird Code: SOSP

Identify this bird by…

  • Streaky and brown with thick streaks on a white chest and flanks

  • Head is an mix of warm red-brown and slaty gray

This bird is not dimorphic…

  • Meaning the females and males look the same!

Look for…

  • Behavior — Male Song Sparrows sing from exposed perches such as small trees

Listen for…

Call: The call note is a warm, rounded “Chimp!”

Song: ~3 very bouncy introductory syllables which are followed by a complex series of notes and trills


All About Birds - Song Sparrow

More songs and calls


Bird Code: SPTO

Identify this bird by…

  • Large sparrow with thick bill and a long tail

  • The flanks are warm rufous and the belly is white

Tell males and females apart by…

  • Females are brown on the head, throat, and underparts, with white spots on wings and back

  • Males are black on the head, throat, and underparts with white spots on wings and back

Listen for…

Song: 2 identical introductory notes followed by a buzzy, rapid trill that sounds like “chup-chup-zeeeeeee.

Call: A cat-like, short, “mew” call
