Week 6: Beginner
Scroll down to study the birds by sight and sound, and then take the quiz.
Week 6 Birds
American Robin, Black-headed Grosbeak, Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow-headed Blackbird
American Robin
Bird Code: AMRO
Identify this bird by…
Gray-brown birds with warm orange underparts and dark heads
White patch on lower belly and under the tail in flight
Yellow bill and black streaks on throat
Tell males and females apart by…
Female and immature birds have the same markings as males, but are often paler
Males typically have a darker head
However… some individuals are not easily separated by sex
Look for …
Often seen tugging worms from yards
Listen for…
Song: Loud song is a variable string of 10 or so clear whistles assembled from a few often-repeated syllables - cheerily cheer-up cheerio
Calls: Rapid tut tut tut and a high, thin ssip in flight
Bird Code: RWBL
Identify this bird by…
Broad-shouldered and stocky bird with a conical beak
Males - red and yellow “shoulder badge” in the breeding season (breeding plumage)
Tell males and females apart by…
Females are crisply streaked and dark brownish overall, paler on the breast and often show a whitish eyebrow
Non-breeding males look scaly and have incomplete shoulder badges
Listen for…
Song: A 1-second “conk-la-ree!” that starts as one note followed by a high pitch and a musical trill. This is a classic sound of wetlands.
Call: Females respond to a singing male with a series of three to five short chit or check notes.
black-headed grosbeak
Bird Code: BHGR
Identify this bird by…
Hefty songbirds with very grayish large bills that are conical and thick at the base
Large heads and short, thick necks. A short tail imparts a compact, chunky look
In flight, they flash bright yellow under the wings
Tell males and females apart by…
Males: Rich orange/cinnamon with a black head and black and white wings
Females/immatures: Warm orange/buff on their breast and some have streaks on the sides of the breast
Listen for…
Song: Song rises and falls like an AMRO’s, but it’s longer, sweeter, more varied, and less choppy in its phrases
Call: Typical call is a sharp spik uttered frequently to keep contact with mates while foraging. They utter an upslurring wheet upon taking flight.
Bird Code: YHBL
Identify this bird by…
Stout body, large head, conical bill
Tell males and females apart by…
Males - Bright yellow on the head and breast, black body
Females - Less, duller yellow on the head and breast and a brown body
Listen for…
Call: Frequent check calls used in many situations during the breeding season, screams given by alarmed females, growls given by fighting or mating males, and harsh rattles given by males when predators are about.
Song: A few musical notes followed by a screeching buzz, rather like a heavy door swinging on a very rusty metal hinge. Females make a chattering sound that may be considered a song.