Week 7: Advanced

Scroll down to study the birds by sight and sound, and then take the quiz.


Week 7 Birds

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Bullock’s Oriole, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Western Kingbird, Western Meadowlark, Chipping Sparrow, Orange-crowned Warbler, Yellow Warbler


Bullock’s Oriole

Bird Code: BUOR

Identify this bird by…

  •  Medium-sized songbirds with slim but sturdy bodies and medium-long tails

  • Very sharply pointed bill

Tell males and females apart by…

  • Males - Bright orange with a black back and large white wing patch. The face is orange with a black line through the eye and a black throat

  • Females - yellowish-orange on the head and tail, with grayish back and white-edged wing coverts (also juveniles)

    • Immature males look the same but show a black throat patch

Look for…

  • Behavior - they feed in the slender branches of trees and shrubs, catching caterpillars and also feeding on nectar or fruit. They are agile and active, often hanging upside down or stretching to reach prey

Listen for …

Song: About 3 seconds long, composed of rich whistled notes interspersed with rattles, often introduced by gruff scratchy notes

Call: A harsh, chattering rattle


Blue-gray gnatcatcher

Bird Code: BGGN

Identify this bird by…

  • Tiny and slim with long legs and thin, straight bill

  • Long dark/black tail with white outer tail feathers

  • White eyering

  • Non-breeding males and females look alike

Tell males and females apart by…

  • Males - In breeding plumage, have a black “V” extending above their eyes. Blue/gray on back

  • Females - Gray on back with a thin white eyering

Look for…

  • Behavior - energetic and rarely slows down, fluttering after small insects among shrubs and trees with its tail cocked at a jaunty angle

Listen for…

Song: Song is wheezy and harsh. Listen for the buzzy call at the beginning: szeewv!

Call: A whining pwee.



Bird Code: BCHU

Identify this bird by

  • Small, fairly slender hummingbird with a fairly straight black bill

  • Dull metallic green above and dull grayish-white below

  • In both males and females, the flanks are glossed with dull metallic green

Tell males and females apart by…

  • Males: Have a velvety black throat with a thin, iridescent purple base

  • Females: Have a pale throat. Their three outer tail feathers have broad white tips

Look for…

  • Behavior - Hovers at flowers and feeders, darts erratically to take tiny swarming insects, perches atop high snags to survey its territory, watching for competitors to chase off and for flying insects to eat

Listen for…

Call: Soft, flat “chew” notes, often in series with soft high squeals, chips, and ticks. Their wings also give a low-pitched humming sound


Western Kingbird

Bird Code: WEKI

Identify this bird by…

  • Fairly large flycatchers with large heads and broad shoulders

  • Heavy, straight bills, long wings

  • Medium-length, square-tipped tail

  • Males and females look alike

Tell it apart by…

  • Pale gray head

  • Dark tail with white outer tail feathers visible in flight

  • Yellow belly and whitish chest and throat

Look for…

  • Behavior - They “hawk” insects from the air or fly out to pick prey from the ground. They ferociously defend their territories with wing-fluttering, highly vocal attacks

Listen for…

Song: The WEKI song is a series of fast, impulsive, bickering vocal bursts. It sounds like an audiotape in fast-forward

Call: Sharp kip notes and squeaky twitters


All About Birds - Western Kingbird

More songs and calls

Western Meadowlark

Bird Code: WEME

Identify this bird by…

  • Flat head and long, slender bill

  • Round-shouldered posture that nearly conceals its neck

Tell it apart by…

  • Yellow underparts with intricately patterned brown, black and buff upperparts

  • Black “V” crosses the bright yellow breast; it is gray in winter

  • Contrasting stripes of dark brown and light buff mark the head

  • The outer tail feathers flash white in flight

Look for…

  • Behavior - In spring and summer, males sing out from atop fence posts, bushes, power lines, and other high points

Listen for…

Song: The WEME song is loud, buoyant, flutelike, and melodious. Although the song phrasing can change between songs, the tone is very distinctive

Call: A low, bell-like pluk or chupp



Bird Code: CHSP

Identify this bird by…

  • Bright, rusty crown and black eyeline

  • Unstreaked grayish belly. Gray rump visible in flight

  • Immature individuals have brown streaked crown and buffy gray underparts with thin streaks

  • Males and females look the same (not dimorphic)

Look for…

Behavior - feed on the ground, take cover in shrubs, and sing from the tops of small trees

Listen for…

Song: Male Chipping Sparrows sing a long, dry trill of evenly spaced, almost mechanical-sounding chips – but be careful, because Dark-eyed Juncos sound very similar (though a bit more musical) and often live in the same habitats.

Call: Both sexes use a single chip note to stay in contact with others



Bird Code: OCWA

Identify this bird by…

  • Thin, pointy bill

  • Yellow-olive overall with faint eye line

  • Yellow under-tail coverts

  • Males and females look the same (not dimorphic)

Look for…

Behavior - Forage in dense shrubbery and low trees. They tend to be quiet and unobtrusive, although their low foraging habits can help you spot them. They often give a high, faint contact call while foraging.

Listen for…

Song: Males sing a trilling song of sweet, clear notes. The song can remain on a single pitch or it can rise slightly in the middle and end on a distinctive rising or falling note—chee chee chee chew chew. The song pattern varies enough that individual males can be told apart by the version they sing

Call: a simple, sharp, high-pitched chip, distinctive from that of other warblers



Bird Code: YEWA

Identify this bird by…

  • Small, evenly proportioned songbirds

  • Straight, thin, bill is relatively large

  • Both males and females flash yellow patches in the tail

  • Unmarked face that accentuates black eye

  • Yellow-green back

Tell males and females apart by…

  • Males: Bright, egg-yolk yellow with reddish streaks on underparts

  • Females: Yellow overall with unstreaked yellow underparts

Look for…

  • Behavior - Look for them near the tops of tall shrubs and small trees. They forage restlessly, with quick hops along small branches and twigs to glean

Listen for…

Song: Song has a very sweet tone. It is a series of 6-10 whistled notes that accelerate over the course of the song and often end on a rising note. A mneumonic to help remember the rhythm and sweet tone is “sweet-sweet-I’m-so-sweet!

Call: a variety of short chip notes, some with a metallic sound and some with a lisping or buzzing quality.



Study these birds if you are interested in surveying at Legacy Nature Preserve, the Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve, and Utah Lake North Shore.


Bird Code: LBDO

Identify this bird by…

  • A chunky shorebird with a very long bill

  • Breeding adult have a rufous neck with dark streaks, barring on the side of the breasts, and darker brown above. Non-breeding adults and immature birds are a dull gray with narrow rufous edging on wings.

  • Show a white rump, gray underwing, and pale secondaries in flight.

  • Are often seen foraging with a sewing-machine probing behavior.

Listen for…

Call: A high, sharp “keek” in flight, or soft chatter when foraging.


Virginia rail

Bird Code: VIRA

Identify this bird by…

  • Chickenlike marsh bird with a long, heavy bill

  • Short, upturned tail

  • Head on, the Virginia Rail looks thin, but from the side they look rather full-bodied

Tell it apart by…

  • Rusty overall with a gray face, coarse dark streaking down the back

  • Black-and-white barring on the sides

  • White undertail feathers.

  • The bill and legs are reddish

Look for…

  • Behavior - walk with a somewhat jerky motion through wetlands. They often twitch their upturned tail to show off the white undertail feathers

Listen for…

Song: The birds give a repeated tick-it 

Call: Pig-like grunts



Bird Code: SORA

Identify this bird by…

  • A small secretive rail, sometimes seen walking along the edges of vegetation in wet marshes.

  • Plump with a short tail that is often held up. Has a brown back with dark spots and white speckles, a gray breast, and a bright yellow bill that contrasts with a dark face

Listen for…

Call: a two-note “sora” with the second note higher in pitch

Song: a descending whinny that lasts two to three seconds



Bird Code: LBCU

Identify this bird by…

  • Extremely large, long-legged shorebird with a very long curved bill

  • Buffy brown with pale cinnamon underparts and a rusty cinnamon underwing that can be seen in flight.

Listen for…

Song: has a distinctive rising and then falling display song




Bird Code: WILL

Identify this bird by…

  • A large, stocky, drab shorebird with long legs and a straight bill.

  • Gray and plain-looking when on the ground with barring on breast in breeding Adults.

  • In flight, show a striking black and white wing pattern and white rump

Listen for…

Song: a very distinctive repeated “will-willet, will-willet, will-willet” display song.
