
SLACS Training

Follow these steps to complete the online training for the Salt Lake Avian Collision Survey:


  1. Watch the SLACS training video:

Please watch this brief overview on how to do a SLACS visit. This video explains: supplies, protocol, and reporting.

2. Download the Protocol, Data Sheet, and Volunteer form

The protocol will tell you everything you need to do to complete your SLACS survey, including the steps you take if you find a dead or injured bird. Review the datasheet to ensure that you know what information you’ll write down as you do your survey. If you would like printed copies of these, email and we can get them to you.

3. Practice finding GPS coordinates on your phone

You’ll need to know how to access locations (lat/long) on your phone so you can indicate where the birds you find were located. Click below to practice.

4. View the SLACS map and decide which routes you’d like to survey

You may have already selected your preferred routes and dates. If not, take a look at the SLACS map to find the block or blocks you’d like to survey this season. You’ll need to coordinate with to get scheduled for your surveys.

5. Check out the online data entry form

When you have completed your survey, you will fill out the online data entry form. Review the form so you are familiar with it:


6. Check out the SLACS drop box instructions

If you find any birds on your survey, please text Angie (909-680-8981). Review the drop box location and instructions below.

You are now ready to get started!

If you have any questions, just email

Thanks so much for volunteering with us!