Alta Nest Box Project
Sign up for a volunteer shift.
See the schedule here
How to use this form:
You will be asked for a minimum of five shifts between now and July. Each shift includes the time it takes to travel to and from the Alta Ski Area, set up for the event, and the event itself (total of 4 hours). You are welcome to sign up for more shifts.
Training: You are required to sign up for one date in the field with us to practice working with guests and doing a nest box check. There are two training dates. You may sign up as a trainee for a future date, as well.
Slots: There are three slots, 1) Nest Box Field Assistant, 2) Backup and 3) Trainee.
The Nest Box Field Assistant slot allows for a maximum of 2 people to sign up for an event.
The Backup slot is a way for you to offer yourself as a person to swap a shift with. This is helpful in case a person signs up and has a last-minute change in schedule.
Sign up for a Trainee slot if you cannot make a training date.