
Alta Nest Box Project

Training materials and resources for your volunteer service as a Community Scientist for the Alta Nest Box Project.

Training Videos

About Alta Nest Box Project

Your role: Field Assistant

Safety Protocols

Snowshoeing 101


Tools in the Field


Complete your online training with this quiz. You will need to earn a score of 80% or higher before you can sign up to co-facilitate snowshoe tours as a Field Assistant.

Alta Nest Box Project Quiz



About Alta Nest Box Project

Why is Tracy Aviary hosting snowshoe events in the Alta Ski Area? Please watch this brief overview on the Alta Nest Box Project. This video explains: research, education and engagement goals.

Video link here

Your Role: Field Assistant

What do volunteer field assistants do, and how do you support the Alta Nest Box Project? Please watch this video to understand the instrumental service you are offering to Tracy Aviary.

Video link here

Snowshoeing 101

A part of your role will involve snowshoeing and showing others how to snowshoe, as well. Remember, not everyone who comes to our events have snowshoed before! It is good to remember what it is like to snowshoe for the first time; it will help you be a better guide to our guests! This video offers a brief tutorial that will help you gain this perspective and learn some tips on how to explain snowshoeing to others.

Tools in the Field

As a Field Assistant, you will help to manage field equipment. This list provides a description of what these materials are, how you will interact with them and how to talk about their use in the field to guests.

Resource Link here

Season Updates

What’s new in the field? Check out these updates!

Volunteer Spotlight

Cool Sightings

Guest feedback